Monday, May 30, 2011

About Us

Hello, and welcome to "To Have A Curse." This blog is where I will do reviews on old and recent Comic books as well as the random movie or tv show review here and there. That being said i hope you enjoy reading, the first post should be any day now.

"To Have A Curse" 101:

- Reviews: Where I will review a comic book. Comes out every Friday. (or on rare cases Thursday or Saturday)

- Comic Panel of the Week: My favorite Comic panel I have seen that week. Originally came out between Monday-Thursday but now usually comes out around the beginning of the week.

- First Thoughts: My opinion on a movie or tv show after watching it. These are not reviews, and my opinions may change over time. Comes out whenever I see a Movie/TV Show I feel like talking about.

- My Opinion on (       ):  Self explanatory. Comes out whenever I feel like talking about something.